Day 10: Insecurities

Mar 11, 2017    Written By: Kristen Nakasone

1: Scripture

- Romans 8:1-17

2: Connection Point

When I look at the word insecurity, I think of all the times that I've felt fear/distrust/uncertain/uneasy/uncomfortable. When I feel insecure it's usually because I had a bad experience where I was emotionally hurt or because I got caught up comparing myself to someone else.

My life seemed to follow this pattern of thinking. Who I think I should be ---> comparison ---> downward spiral of thought-life ---> the enemy wins in the battlefield of my mind.

I chose to believe that I was not ever going to be good enough for someone to date, that my parents would never approve/be proud of me because I didn’t meet their academic/extra-curricular/sports expectations. I felt like this lessened my value as a daughter.

I allowed Satan to trick me into thinking that because I wasn’t as talented/as “good looking”/as thin as others, I was discounted. I believed that because I got yelled at when I made a mistake it meant that I was expected to be perfect and because I wasn’t perfect, I wasn’t made right. ALL OF THESE THINGS WERE NOT AND ARE NOT TRUE!

Our insecurities may start off as something small but then have a way of snowballing into an avalanche of lies. When we begin to believe these lies about ourselves, we then take them on as our identity.

However, God’s voice is not one that is condemning or condescending, if you hear something negative like “You’re not smart” that is not God’s voice [discern! There’s God’s voice, our voice, and the enemies voice].

Let's also take a look at the opposite word of insecurity...being secure.

Security, unfortunately, does not happen overnight. God’s lavish love does not want us to sit in a confusion of emotions about who we are but wants us to be secure in knowing we are sons and daughters.

God is calling us out of the orphan spirit (one who doesn’t know whose they are), and into sonship/daughtership. The answer lies simply in this, knowing who God is and in knowing His gentle, lavish, raging, steadfast, sacrificial love for us. It will be then that we are secure.

We will be safe.
We will be protected.

Friends, I am not saying that we will no longer struggle with Satan’s lies or that everything will be easy, because that is not true. What I am saying is this: we will be well aware of Satan’s game plan to trick us into not knowing who we are, and that as we are more aware, we are more able to fight… and that as we partner and fight with the Holy Spirit, we will also be victorious!

My charge is this, press in even when it doesn’t feel good. God will show you the way to being secure in His love.

3: Journaling/Prayers

- God, what do you think of me? Who do you say I am?
- Write down what you think God may be saying to you (it could be something you feel, a picture you see, a song you’ve heard, words that flow out or trickle out, a seemingly random thought).
- I believe you hear God’s voice! But if something seems fishy, check with a leader and remember that what you’ve heard from God is always in alignment with His word.