4.13.20 - Spiritual Encouragement Wk #4

Apr 13, 2020    Anonymous Wise Person    Light: when we're stuck at home, how can we still impact others?

He has risen! Wow, isn’t Easter such a blessing?!

“Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 12:2).

Right now we’re 3 weeks into the stay at home order. The days are dragging on and you’re probably thinking, when will I see my friends and family in person again?
We may find ourselves spiraling down a cycle of negativity, worry, and fear. It can consume our thoughts and emotions.

Yet Jesus has given you permission to leave your burdens behind and walk into his house, shining with his glory (shoutout to Cory Asbury, “The Father’s House”)!

I’ve been praying deeply and asking God, how do we become the church, now that we’re not gathering in person, how can we do community from our homes? Paul answered this when he wrote to the Gentiles:

God’s purpose in all this was to use the church to display his wisdom in its rich variety to all the unseen rulers, and authorities in the heavenly places. (Eph. 3:9-10)

We are the church, his light, not hidden (Matt 5:14-16). You don’t need to be the smartest, the most articulate, or the most talented, or influential to have light. The people who possess his light are those who love him and others.

My prayer is that when you question God’s purpose for the stay at home order, you’ll be reminded that Paul calls us to be the church, in human form.

In action what does this look like? I’ve been wrestling with this too. I’ve done a variety of things like face-timing friends I haven’t talked to in months, writing and mailing letters (I know I’m prehistoric), and even making collaborative playlists with friends on Spotify. Can all of these things bring God glory? 100% yes.

In every moment, God is with us, His presence is with us. Whether we’re on our knees, crying out to God in worship, or lying in bed, his light shines the same amount. When we’re scrolling through Instagram, sitting on the couch, or laughing on Line chat… He is here. He’s calling us to be light, to love him, and to love others. Our Father watches over us and brings his everlasting light, even when we cannot see it. Jesus reached down and brought light to us in our darkest times, it’s our turn to do the same.

Discussion Questions:

1. What can I do to reach out to others and “be the church”? What can I do to show others that I care/and am thinking of them?

2. What has been the hardest part of being home constantly? Write down three emotions you’ve been feeling during this season. Read them out loud and surrender them all to God, ask him to transform your heart.

3. Spend time with Jesus in the ways that bring you joy. Blast your favorite worship music, sing, dance, draw, and meditate on his words. Give thanks that we have the freedom to praise his name.