Day 27: Status/Accomplishment

Tiffany Yamamura

1: Scripture

Esther Chapter 4-5

2: Connection Point

What is an accomplishment you are most proud of?

I remember the first time I beat my arch nemesis in debate. After months of researching evidence and practicing speeches for the big tournament, I finally beat him. My life was complete! I thought I could go to bed knowing I beat him. However, as I lay in my bed that night and glanced at my medal, the satisfaction slowly faded.

If you were to interview any famous or successful person, whether they are a singer, actress, model, Olympian, or millionaire, I guarantee you that almost every person will admit to being unsatisfied with their life. How is this possible? Shouldn’t they be the most happy since they have all the fame and riches? Turns out, those things don’t provide eternal happiness and contentment. If we invest our time and energy to gain earthly achievements and status, our life will feel empty and meaningless.

Esther had it all. She was a queen and had the highest status. However, when the time came to choose between protecting her title and protecting God’s people, she realized the significance of each. Yes, if she talked to the king she could’ve have lost her title, money, and even her life, yet she knew those things were worth nothing in comparison to God’s eternal blessing. In obedience, she sacrificed it all to achieve God’s will.

It all comes down to our perspective of a successful life. Is a successful life one with fancy cars, a huge house with a pool, and popularity? Or is it one with friends and family being brought to Christ? See, the world has this tainted image of success which includes achieving something useful on earth later in life; however, God defines success as achieving something of infinite, eternal value.

What would you want your bio for “spiritual Instagram” to say? Would you want your status to list all of the accomplishments you achieved at work and school, or would you want it to have a list of names of all the people who came to know Christ through you? Now I’m not saying setting goals and accomplishing things on Earth is bad, but I’m saying it can’t take priority over accomplishing things for God in Heaven. And if you obey God, He promises to lavish blessings on you both on Earth and in Heaven.

3: Journaling / Prayer

- Imagine meeting God at the gates of heaven. He asks you what accomplishments you have to offer Him. Do you think God will look at all you’ve done and say well done my good and faithful servant; you have used your time wisely on earth?

- Journal about goals you want to accomplish in the spiritual realm for His kingdom?